Water resources and infrastructure:
- Planning and management
- Water quality and protection from pollution
- Pricing and marketing
- Economical and financial analysis
- Rehabilitation and investment
- Standardization and monitoring
- Natural resources conservation
- Wastewater utilization and treatment
- Mud flow protection
- Risks assessment and management
- Land consolidation and reclamation
- Forest management and forestry
- Hazardous and solid domestic waste management
- Environmental assessments, environmental and social impacts assessment complying
with international requirements
Agriculture and infrastructure
- Water and land resources
- Irrigation and drainage
- Farm production and agribusiness
- Power supply and electricity
- Alternative power sources
Water supply and sewerage & Industry, construction and transport
- Water supply and waste water treatment
- Waste disposal
- Construction materials
- Management
- Infrastructure
Geodesy and cartography works
- Installation of geodesy networks
- Topographic measurements implementation
- Implementation of construction geodesy works
- Preparation and printing of electronic and digital maps of various types
- Preparation of Geographical Information Systems
- Aerial survey materials processing